

更新时间:2023-08-07 09:36:20作者:阿瑾

摘 要




News Feature photography techniques


In press interviews, photographers wishing to news events accurately and vividly reflected through the lens, then, must capture the characteristics of news events that play a unique role of close-up photography. Photo featured in news photography has two meanings: one is the photographer in shooting, grab the richest features of the plot of the best people to be touched by the performance. From a person who or a thing, choose it to succinctness, discard all the subjects in the secondary, or subordinate part of the theme has little to more focused, more detailed, more prominently that theme. Photo coverage of the other is a means, is another photographic composition of a school on the scene. Photographers shooting in the shooting, the use of short-range shooting or shot with a long focal length lens is far way, so that the main local full screen, gives a close view of the visual experience, commonly known as close-ups. This is mainly about the former, that is, a genre of news photography, if the picture information to be more comprehensive picture of the news information presented to the reader, to tell the reader what happened, then close-up photography is to focus more on specific news events, detailed description of the characters and well-characterized, in addition to news and pictures need to focus on the same news value, close-up photography more attention to the appeal of the screen. It allows readers to Liu someone or something more detailed understanding of some more in-depth understanding of their ideological significance of some of the news work through continuous exploration and practice, this article will focus on the following aspects way to talk about close-up photography .

Keywords: news; photography; close-up practices;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1相关理论概述 1

1.1 新闻摄影的概念 1

1.2 新闻摄影的形象表现 1

1.2.1形象观察 1

1.2.2形象选择 1

1.2.3形象摄取 1

1.3 新闻摄影的特点 2

1.3.1时效性 2

1.3.2真实性 2

1.3.3典型性 2

1.3.4现场感 2

2新闻特写的技巧 3

2.1主题突出,画面简洁 3

2.2注重情节,以情感人 3

2.3以点带面,表达内涵 4

3 结论 5

参 考 文 献 6

致  谢 7


