
the smurfs是什么意思 the smurfs的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-28 20:44:45作者:入戏太深

1. 词源和发音:

"Smurfs"这个单词源于比利时漫画家Peyo于xx年创作的漫画,最初名为“Les Schtroumpfs”(“蓝色小精灵”)。"Smurfs"一词在英语中是一个名词,表示蓝色小精灵,复数形式为“Smurfs”(/smfs/)。


- The Smurfs are a group of blue creatures that live in mushroom-shaped houses in the forest. (小蓝精灵是一群生活在森林里蘑菇形房屋里的蓝色生物。)

- I remember watching the Smurfs on TV when I was a kid. (我记得小时候在电视上看小蓝精灵。)

2. 电影和电视节目:

"The Smurfs"已经成为一种流行文化现象,并在电影、电视节目和其他媒体中得到广泛传播。其中包括了的 Smurfs 原创电影、 Smurfs 的动画电视系列以及剧场演出等。


- Have you seen the latest Smurfs movie? (你看过最新的小蓝精灵电影了吗?)

- The Smurfs cartoon was one of my favorites when I was growing up. (我小时候最喜欢的卡通电视节目之一就是小蓝精灵了。)

3. 商品和品牌:

"The Smurfs"不仅仅是一种文化现象,还是一种商业品牌。Smurfs各种商品包括玩具、书籍、游戏、服装、家居用品和食品等,已经成为一种流行的收藏品和礼品。


- I got a Smurfs t-shirt as a gift from my friend. (我从我的朋友那里得到了一件小蓝精灵的T恤。)

- My daughter loves playing with her Smurfs toys. (我女儿喜欢玩她的小蓝精灵玩具。)

4. 人物和故事情节:

"The Smurfs"的故事情节通常涉及蓝色小精灵的日常生活和与他们的天敌Gargamel的斗争。其中一些最受欢迎的角色包括Papa Smurf,Smurfette和Brainy Smurf等。


- Papa Smurf is the wise and respected leader of the Smurfs. (大蓝精灵是小蓝精灵中的智者和受人尊敬的领袖。)

- Smurfette is a female Smurf who was created by Gargamel to cause trouble in the Smurf village. (小蓝花是加加美尔创造的一个女性蓝精灵,旨在在蓝精灵村庄里制造麻烦。)

The Smurfs 的中文翻译为“蓝精灵”(ln jng lng),读音为ln jng lng。


1. My kids enjoy watching cartoons, especially The Smurfs. (我的孩子们喜欢看卡通片,尤其是蓝精灵。)

2. The Smurfs are known for their blue skin and white caps. (蓝精灵以其蓝色皮肤和白色帽子而著名。)

3. The Smurfs live in mushroom houses in the forest. (蓝精灵住在森林里的蘑菇房子里。)

the smurfs通常被翻译为"蓝精灵"的意思,还有电影的意思,在线读音是[thesmurfs],the smurfs在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到74个与the smurfs相关的例句。

The smurfs的释义


例句:- Here we go. - You see, Clumsy, the other Smurfs don't want to dance with you for fear of what are politely called (你看笨笨其他人不愿和你跳舞 说句礼貌的话)


例句:Nicked all his Smurfs? Broke his Action Man? (偷走了他的蓝精灵 还是弄坏了他的机动战士)


the smurfs一般作为名词使用,如在smurfs((smurf 的复数) n. 拆分洗钱(者))等常见短语中出现较多。

smurfs(smurf 的复数) n. 拆分洗钱(者)


1. The Smurfs? Tempranillo, tough skin, delicious, good tannin. (翻译:蓝精灵?皮厚,甜美,单宁丰富的丹魄葡萄。)

2. - Master Winslow, you'll know it's the right message if it comes from the heart. - Right, Smurfs? (翻译:温斯娄大人 如果是从心底里说的话 就是最美的语言 对吗 孩子们)

3. And so, the Smurfs left the strange city of New York, and I think they left it a little sweeter, a little wiser, a little smurfier. (翻译:蓝精灵们离开了陌生的纽约城 这里的经历让他们更善良更有智慧 更精灵)

4. 200 miles each way to meet up with my smurfs- (翻译:单程就要开上两百英里 就为了跟我的药贩子接上头)

5. From a distance, Smurfs seem like they are wearing a hat and pants but as you can see this is a fallacy. (翻译:从远处看,蓝精灵们似乎是戴着一顶帽子,穿着裤子的,但是仔细看就会发现其实不是这样的。)

6. And you'll finally get to one like 'Dances With Smurfs, ' and it's just Cartman and Wendy, and a very intimate, tightly written story. (翻译:但最后我们会做出一集像“与蓝精灵共舞”这样的,只有卡特曼和温迪,和一个私密、紧凑的故事。)

