
民典发用英语怎么说 民典发的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-03-18 07:14:40作者:嗝叽

民典发英语可以这样说:Jumin,其次还可以说成"the people",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到49个与民典发相关短语释义和例句。

示例:What's this you got stuck under yo collar, eh? eh?

1. Every decision you make is wting yo fute.

民典发用英语怎么说 民典发的英语翻译

2. Give the people back what you've taken fm them.

3. Make se to hold Min-ho's hand and watch out for cars.

4. And that truly evil man to whom he belongs? Yes.

5. Anything that looks dead, out.

6. You ugly shmpy nit! Noko!

7. There is no country without its people. Without people, there is no king.

8. This is an Amecan classic?

9. My voters are ght to be tired of me.

10. Master, the tual is almost over.

11. i mean the wedding ceremony!

12. Yeah, this is a classic piece of .

13. Min Ki! Min Ki! Where is he going?

