
where you at是什么意思 where you at的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-31 11:10:28作者:孤念


where you at是什么意思 where you at的中文翻译、读音、例句

“where you at”是一种不规范的英语表达方式,用于询问对方的位置。以下是关于这个表达方式的五个方面:


“where you at”通常是口语化和缩写的方式,意为“你在哪里”,缺少了完整的句子结构。 该表达方式并不是正式的英语语法,但是在口语中很常见。


“where” 是疑问代词,在句子中起引导疑问的作用;“at”是介词,表达位置。


“where you at”这个表达方式通常在口语中使用,主要用于询问朋友、家人或同事的位置,具有亲热感。


更正式的英语表达方式应该是“Where are you?”或 “Where are you located?” 。


在正式场合或写作中,应避免使用“where you at"的表达方式,而应该选择正式的表达方式。


1. Where you at? 我们都在这家咖啡馆里等你。

Where are you? We are all waiting for you at this coffee shop.

2. Where you at last night? 我们去的夜店很热闹。

Where were you last night? The nightclub we went to was very lively.

3. Where you at, dude? 我们打算去找点好吃的。

Where are you, dude? We're planning to go find some good food.

4. Yo, where you at? 我在你家门口等你。

Hey, where are you? I'm waiting for you at your door.

5. Where you at right now? 我现在在学校图书馆。

Where are yoight now? I'm at the school library.

'where you at'的中文翻译为“你在哪里”,读音为 /wr ju t/。


1. A: Where you at right now? B: I'm at home.

A: 你现在在哪里?B:我在家里。

2. Hey, where you at? We're waiting for you at the restaurant.


where you at通常被翻译为"你去哪了、你在哪里"的意思,在英美地区还有"网络"的意思,发音音标为[whereyouat],where you at来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到85个与where you at相关的例句。

Where you at的中文翻译


例句:[ Man ] Ah, just put your money in. (Do you know where you are?)


例句:Chiu, where are you going? (where are you going?)


例句:- You figure out where she is? (you figure out where she is?)


例句:Dean. Dean, now, where are you going? (翻译:where are you going?)


where you at一般作为名词使用,如在where are you([网络] 你在哪里;冠希你在哪里;你在哪儿)、where were you([网络] 你去哪儿了;你在哪里;你去哪了)、where(哪里 )等常见短语中出现较多。

where are you[网络] 你在哪里;冠希你在哪里;你在哪儿
where were you[网络] 你去哪儿了;你在哪里;你去哪了
where is it[网络] 它在哪里;在哪儿;它在哪儿
where it is实际情况,问题的关键
where tona. 到哪儿去?\n[网络] 要去哪儿;您去哪儿;去哪里
Where to?[口语] 上哪儿去?
else where在别处
ever'where[网络] 永远在哪里


1. - You figure out where she is? (翻译:you figure out where she is?)

2. Dean. Dean, now, where are you going? (翻译:where are you going?)

3. - Wallace, where are you going? (翻译:- Wallace, where are you going?)

4. You know, you look really familiar. Where did you grow up? (翻译:Where did you grow up?)

5. Huh. Abe, where did you get this? (翻译:where did you get this?)

6. Where are you going to go? (翻译:- Where are you gonna go?)

7. Where are you taking them? (翻译:Where are you taking them?)

8. You know where I was recently? (翻译:You know where I was recently?)

9. To straighten up the royal bed chamber. (翻译:Where are you going?)

10. And now thanks to him, I know where you are. (翻译:I know where you are.)

11. ♪ And with you is where I... ♪ (翻译:# And with you is where I... #)

12. Where do you want to start? (翻译:Where do you want to start?)

13. Boys, stay right where you are. (翻译:stay right where you are.)

14. -Where do you go when you walk? (翻译:-Where do you go? -Where do you go when you walk?)

15. - And where have you been? (翻译:- And where have you been?)


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