
yiz是什么意思 yiz的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-07 12:01:15作者:情深不寿

1. 词义:yiz是一个汉语词语,意为一只。

yiz是什么意思 yiz的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:yiz是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:一只鸟 (yiz niao)、一只狗 (yiz gou)、一只猫 (yiz mao)、一只老虎 (yiz laohu)等。

4. 短语:没有常用的短语。

5. 发音拼写:yiz的拼音是y zh。


1. 我看到一只小猫在街上走着 (I saw a little cat walking on the street).

2. 那只狗很漂亮 (That dog is very beautiful).

3. 我很喜欢养一只鸟 (I like to raise a bird).

4. 这只老虎很凶猛 (This tiger is very ferocious).

5. 这个盒子里只有一只苹果 (There is only one apple in this box).

'yiz'没有明确的中文翻译,可能是一个拼写错误或非常罕见的单词。读音可能是 /jz/。由于没有上下文,无法提供合适的例句。




例句:Cheon Song Yi. Miss Song Yi. (对那种不懂人情世故的家伙 就是最好的教育)


例句:"Z"-plasty; acquired stenosis of anterior naris; treatment. (“Z”成形术;后天性前鼻孔狭窄;手术治疗。)


例句:z I do F dot n. That just gives me the z component which might involve x, y and z. (把F和n做内积,于是得到,它由x,y,z组成。)


例句:When adding ZFX to your polish, simply invert the bottle, and let the drops gently trickle out. (翻译:当您将Z - FX加入至封体剂时,请简单的将Z - FX的瓶子倒置让Z - FX缓慢的滴出。)


1. z I do F dot n. That just gives me the z component which might involve x, y and z. (翻译:把F和n做内积,于是得到,它由x,y,z组成。)

2. When adding ZFX to your polish, simply invert the bottle, and let the drops gently trickle out. (翻译:当您将Z - FX加入至封体剂时,请简单的将Z - FX的瓶子倒置让Z - FX缓慢的滴出。)

3. And I think it's particularly painful for us now in the West in the grips of what I sometimes think of as a Control-Z culture -- Control-Z like the computer command, undo. (翻译:我想这对于西方人来说 这种Control-Z文化是 无比痛苦的- Control-Z就是电脑键盘上的命令 撤消)

4. There was this one piece on Julius Bar in the F.A.Z. (翻译:《法兰克福汇报》上 有一篇关于宝盛的报道)

5. There is only the code, the Vory v zakone code which I have always followed. (翻译:只有规矩,Vory z zakone的规矩 才是我行动的指南)

6. That's phi is the angle downwards from the z axis. (翻译:这个角度是,它是从z轴偏转的角度。)

7. And he was a member of Vory v zakone. (翻译:并且他是Vory z zakone组织的成员)

8. - N. TERENTYEvA Akulina - Z. RUPASOvA (翻译:- 诺捷连季耶娃 阿库琳娜 – 卓鲁帕索娃)

9. The swoosh also connects the letters a and z, meaning that this store has everything from a to z. (翻译:这个符号也起到了指向作用,链接字母a到z,意思是亚马逊的商品无所不包。)

10. So if your younger brother and Cheon Song Yi got married, then that Cheon Song Yi and I will be related. (翻译:如果我跟你结婚之后 千颂伊跟你弟弟也结婚了 那我跟千颂伊那丫头 岂不是成了妯娌)

11. Yong, Yoyo, On Yi... and finally myself (翻译:阿勇 Yoyo 安儿 到最后原来是说自己)

12. Q.Z.R. controls the entire northern part of our area of operation. (翻译:Q,Z,R, 控制整个 北部我们 区域操作。)

13. You know Ken is working for Yi and Fantasy! (翻译:你明知细强系易犀亭 同范特西那啲人嚟㗎嘛)

14. You went to another N.E.Z.? (翻译:你又去了一次新经济区呀? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You went to another N. E.)

15. with Charlie Crowe on Z104. (翻译:与Charlie Crowe一起,在Z104电台)

