
runners是什么意思 runners的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-02 19:22:41作者:雨潇潇


1. Runners作为名词,常常用来指那些热爱跑步的人,因此,它可以与健康、运动等词汇搭配,比如:

runners是什么意思 runners的中文翻译、读音、例句

- Running ss are essential for runners to prevent injury. (跑鞋对于跑步者来说是必不可少的,以避免受伤。)

- There are many health benefits for runners, such as improved cardiovascular health and weight control. (对于跑步者来说,有很多健康的好处,比如改善心血管健康和控制体重。)

- The marathon attracted thousands of runners from all over the world. (马拉松吸引了来自世界各地的数千名跑步者。)

2. Runners也可以作为动词的现在分词来使用,表示正在奔跑的人,这时可以与描述性词汇搭配,比如:

- The runners were sprinting towards the finish line. (跑步者们正向终点冲刺。)

- The runners were panting and sweating after their long run. (长跑结束之后,跑步者们喘着气流汗。)

- The runners were racing against the clock to beat their personal best time. (跑步者们正在与时间赛跑,争取打破自己的最好成绩。)

3. Runners也可以是指适用于跑步的物品或设备,比如:

- These headphones are designed for runners, with features such as sweat-resistant and high-quality sound. (这些耳机是专门为跑步者设计的,具有防汗和高质量音效等功能。)

- The gym has a room full of treadmills for runners to use. (健身房里有一个房间专门供跑步者使用的跑步机。)

- This app is perfect for runners who want to track their progress and set goals. (这个应用程序非常适合想要跟踪进展并设定目标的跑步者。)


1. Running ss are essential for runners to prevent injury. (跑鞋对于跑步者来说是必不可少的,以避免受伤。)

2. The runners were sprinting towards the finish line. (跑步者们正向终点冲刺。)

3. These headphones are designed for runners, with features such as sweat-resistant and high-quality sound. (这些耳机是专门为跑步者设计的,具有防汗和高质量音效等功能。)

4. There are many health benefits for runners, such as improved cardiovascular health and weight control. (对于跑步者来说,有很多健康的好处,比如改善心血管健康和控制体重。)

5. The marathon attracted thousands of runners from all over the world. (马拉松吸引了来自世界各地的数千名跑步者。)




1. The runners all gathered at the starting line, ready to begin the race.(所有的跑步者都聚集在起点,准备开始比赛。)

2. She was one of the fastest runners in her cl and won many races.(她是班级里最快的跑步者之一,赢得了许多比赛。)

3. Many runners like to listen to music while they run to help them stay motivated.(许多跑步者喜欢在奔跑时听音乐,以帮助他们保持动力。)




例句:The strain on these runners, waiting and waiting for somebody to break must be appalling. (所有人紧绷在一起 等待再等待. ... 就差一个人冲出去)


例句:The runners started at 5-minute intervals. (赛跑的人每隔5分钟出发一批。)


例句:Three runners sprinted past. (三名运动员飞跑了过去。)


例句:The runners jockeyed for position at the start. (翻译:赛跑选手力求抢占起跑有利位置。)


runners一般作为名词使用,如在fen runners(n. 滑冰靴的一种)、fore runners(n. 先驱(forerunner的复数);前震)、free runners([网络] 自由跑步者)等常见短语中出现较多。

fen runnersn. 滑冰靴的一种
fore runnersn. 先驱(forerunner的复数);前震
free runners[网络] 自由跑步者
front runners[网络] 领跑者;前线奔跑者;领军者
ghost runners[网络] 幽灵跑步者
invisible runners[网络] 看不见的跑步者
marathon runners马拉松运动员\n马拉松赛跑运动员
money runners转移货币的投资者
race runnersn. 鞭尾蜥(产于南美和北美)
rainbow runners[网络] 双带鲹;香蕉鱼;拉伦


1. Three runners sprinted past. (翻译:三名运动员飞跑了过去。)

2. The runners jockeyed for position at the start. (翻译:赛跑选手力求抢占起跑有利位置。)

3. The runners have noticeably quickened their pace. (翻译:赛跑者明显加快了脚步。)

4. Meanwhile, I hurry off in the car to Solferino Bridge, then I approach the runners. (翻译:同时,我坐上车也赶紧 去往Solferino大桥,我赶上了参赛者们)

5. Jimmy Carterola steps in with two outs with runners on second and third. (翻译:吉米卡特罗拉现在有两人出局,跑垒手站在二垒和三类。)

6. Because of the different levels of the runners, the gaps will be created here. (翻译:这段区间选手会因为实力悬殊,慢慢拉开距离)

7. On the last lap three runners were disputing the lead. (翻译:在最后一圈,三名赛跑者在争夺领先地位。)

8. The runners of their sleds were originally made of fish wrapped in caribou hide. (翻译:他们的雪橇的滑条最初是用 北美驯鹿皮包裹的冻鱼干做成的 )

9. Some runners, both beginners and experienced runners, may hit periods in their training when they are feeling bored or uninspired to run. (翻译:某些跑步者,包括跑步新人和高手,可能会遭遇在训练中感到无聊或不想跑的时期。)

10. The runners set off at a blistering pace. (翻译:赛跑运动员如脱缰野马般起跑了。)

11. Lot of theories-- secret government agencies, terrorists, drug runners. (翻译:理论的地段 - 秘密的机构, ,毒贩。)

12. - Yeah, half our family are really good runners. (翻译:half our family are really good runners.)

13. Now the runners climb the hill back toward Shinjuku Ohashi... (翻译:现在选手们正在上坡道 向着折返点 新宿大桥跑去)

14. Overtraining is the leading cause of injury and burnout for runners. (翻译:过度训练是主要的原因导致受伤和精疲力尽。)

15. Maybe all runners have arrived. (翻译:可能人家已经跑过终点了 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Maybe all runners have arrived.)



