
areyousure是什么意思 areyousure的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-02 16:38:47作者:南北相望

1. 意思:'areyousure'通常被看作是“are you sure”的缩写,表示“你确定吗?”的意思。它是一个口语化的表达方式,通常用于询问或确认对方的某种想法或决定。

areyousure是什么意思 areyousure的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用法,用在句子的结尾或是存在。它可以是一种疑问或陈述,具有询问、确认的效果。在书面文体中,它通常被认为是口语化用法,不太合适。

3. 强调:'areyousure'常常用于强调。当对方已经做出决定或者有自己的观点时,'areyousure'可以表示自己的怀疑或者不信任。因此,“are you sure?”的口气可以体现自己的态度或者表达自己的惊讶。

4. 社交:'areyousure'在社交场合中也非常常见,例如在点菜或者购物时询问对方是否确定要买或者吃某物。它可以体现出自己的关心和礼貌,同时也可以避免因为自己的失误带来的不便。


1. A: "I think I'm going to take that job."

B: "Are you sure? It's a really long commute."

2. A: "I don't think I can make it to the party tonight."

B: "Are you sure? We really want you to come."

3. A: "I've decided to go back to school and get my degree."

B: "Are you sure? It's a big commitment."

4. A: "I'm going to buy this expensive coat."

B: "Are you sure? Do yoeally want to spend that much money?"

5. A: "I think I want to switch to a vegan diet."

B: "Are you sure? It can be difficult to get enough protein."

areyousure的中文翻译是“你确定吗”,读音为/r ju r/。


1. A: Can we leave at 5 pm? B: Areyousure? We have important meetings at 6 pm.


2. Areyousure you locked the door before we left? I don't remember seeing you do it.





例句:Wait, wait, are you sure about this? (等下 你确定吗 Wait, wait, are you sure about this?)


例句:You sure about that, Johns? (You sure about that, Johns? 你确定吗?)


例句:[sighs] Are you sure this is a good idea? (你确定这样好吗? Are you sure this is a good idea?)


1. [sighs] Are you sure this is a good idea? (翻译:你确定这样好吗? Are you sure this is a good idea?)

2. Now, are y-you sure the humidor is on this boat? (翻译:-you sure the humidor is on this boat?)

3. You sure you wanna eat all that? (翻译:你要全部吃完吗 You sure you wanna eat all that?)

4. You sure you want to get on that plane? (翻译:You sure you want to get on that plane?)

5. Sure, baby, whatever you need. (翻译:Sure, baby, whatever you need.)

6. No, I mean, are you sure you want to kill him? (翻译:are you sure you want to kill him?)

7. Are you certain you want to give everything? (翻译:Are you sure? Are you certain you want to give everything?)

8. Hey, are you sure that you wanna be here? (翻译:你确定要参与吗? Hey, are you sure that you wanna be here?)

9. You sure you brought enough backup with you, Hobbs? (翻译:You sure you brought enough backup with you, Hobbs? 你确认带足人手了? Hobbs?)

10. Make sure you lube-up, too. (翻译:Make sure you lube -up, too.)

11. Now, are you sure you can breathe in this dress? (翻译:Now, are you sure you can breathe in this dress?)

12. Are you sure you guys can handle this? (翻译:你确定你们能搞定吗 Are you sure you guys can handle this?)

13. Make sure you give her the food first. (翻译:Make sure you give her the food first.)

14. Curt, are you sure about this? (翻译:are you sure about this?)

15. Are you sure you can do that? (翻译:你确定你能做到? Are you sure you can do that?)

